Weight gain is the intake of calories more than the maintenance calories. Weight gain in a healthy way is way more important than just increasing calories merely by eating junk and fried foods.
Eating highly dense foods like burgers may increase fat deposits in adipose tissues leading to various diseases. Therefore, eating in surplus but in the right way is necessary.
6 Smart Ways for Effective Weight Gain
If you’re underweight, it is a sign of poor metabolic and physiologic conditions. You are more prone to various diseases due to less immunity.
That’s why it is essential to gain weight to increase your muscle and healthy fat percentage for better health. The easiest strategies for weight gain are:
1. Calories Surplus
Firstly calculate your maintenance calories through the calorie calculator. For example, suppose your calories are 2000 to gain weight.
As calculated, you need to eat 200-400 calories more than your existing ones. So you have to consume calories between 2200-2400. It will be the safest option for gaining weight over time.
2. Drink Protein Shakes

You can blend caloric-dense foods in a jar to make healthy smoothies. It will help you meet your daily nutritional calorie requirements. You must have to consult with your dietitian for better results.
3. Eating Patterns
For weight gain, it is important to change your eating habits. Create your food portions for different slots in the day—for example, Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, and dinner.
Read More: Weight Loss: 9 Natural Tips You Don’t Wanna Miss!
4. Calorie-dense Foods
Calories-dense foods help in eating more calories in one go.
Foods like wheat, barley, and maize are generally considered highly caloric-dense carbohydrates, providing more calories and ensuring better absorption of food in your gut, keeping it healthy.
5. Exercise
Exercise will surely help you gain weight, especially strength training or calisthenics. It will help you gain more muscle mass.
Exercise also affects your overall body structure and increases your appetite, which will help with more food intake. Exercise 3-4 days per week is recommended.
6. Sleep
Sleep is the best way to heal and reduce your overall stress levels. 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for everyone per day. Try to sleep as early as possible and get up early.
It will help you get quality sleep, which will help in better absorption and efficient assimilation of your food intake.
For effective weight gain, one must eat more calories, mainly from healthy foods, exercise, and get quality sleep.
One more thing is necessary one must consult a dietician for accurate calorie measurement, especially when suffering from problems like diabetes, hypertension, etc.
Gaining weight is easier than ever; you need the right plan.